We moved to the Arizona seven years ago. Every April I think about, leaving the green and fluctuating climate of the Midwest to the high desert Southwest, which was an adventure.
Some quick differences:
We now live on a slab of granite. We did live on rich, organic soil.
We have scorpions. We did have mosquitoes.
We now have dry skin. Thankful for our years of moisture rich skin.
We now have sunshine 300 days per year. We did have clouds 300 days per year.
Water is scarce. Um, we used to be surrounded by great lakes.
As we flew over the Mohave Desert on Saturday, I stared out at the barrenness and thought metaphorically about the ecosystems and how they so easy represent life.

High Desert
In the High Desert there are huge rocks (mountains), junipers, pinion pines, flowering cacti, elk, and deer. Wind! So much wind! There is also quiet.
Is your life similar to the High Desert? Is water sparse? Do you jump adventurously from rock to rock, with brief serenity looking out on the amazing topography and sunset? #watchoutforsnakes
“The mountains will bring peace to the people,” Psalm 72:3
Midwest Deciduous
Living in the Midwest, there is a constant of wholesomeness and steady work ethic. The ever-changing weather, however keeps life forever on it’s toes. Will it rain? Will the sunshine? Will there be a storm, or can we plan a picnic?
The beauty of this climate is the green, lush grass and trees, spring tulips, blueberries, and surrounding lakes.
Is your life here now? Are you walking steady, in faith? The environment around you is changing daily. It’s exciting or it's confusing, but you and God got this. #itsamatteroftrust

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8,
Ocean Shore
We recently visited Hawaii. The jagged rocks of the shore clashing with the rolling waves created a point of excitement and worship.

Walking along the rocks I immediately broke out in song, “Shout to the Lord.” Recalling, “The mountains bow down, and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name (Jesus).” It’s like a flash mob, the waves crash, the rocks are covered, and it rumbles, then recedes.
The salty air and the resounding chatter of the waves, impresses a feeling of inspiration.
Maybe your life is filled with excitement and change. I pray you are worshipping God through all of this exhilaration! #celebrateeverything
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

I have to admit. Dennis and I get to the beach as often as we can.
Between us and the beach is the Mohave Desert. It is vast. It is desolate.
Saturday, while traveling over, I became enthralled. As far as I could see there was sand and rocks. From my point of view there was no life.
Did God create the desert for a break? When we read about the desert in the Bible, we see a time of wandering for the Israelites. A time of preparation, when John the Baptist was preaching Jesus. A time of prayer for Jesus. It’s also used as a metaphor for being lost or spiritually dry. Did God create it for a break?
Are you wandering in the desert? Are you in need of quiet while you pray and plan out your next steps? Keep walking, it’s not intended for life. #horsewithnoname
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” Psalm 23:4 Do you think David meant the desert?
What ever the scenery and the environment, it is ever changing.
Where are you right now? I pray you are safe.
I pray you are in the comfort and peace of God’s direction.