When we travel I love to meet new people. You know a stranger sits by you on a four hour flight, at a resort where we are staying, the list goes on and on.
Today I met Sarah and John. They are entrepreneurs in the IT industry, they successfully built a business and run it together. Sarah is the organized one and John is the idea guy and visionary.
Sarah and I began a discussion on the differences in women and their personalities and the judgement we all fall victim of at one time or another.
When do you get married? Do you get married? How many children do you have? Do you have children? Do you work outside the home after children? Do you continue to pursue a career? Do you stay home, run it and raise your children? Are you more driven than your husband? Are you introverted, do you get energized by time to yourself? Or are you an extrovert and you need social interaction to get you energized?
Sometimes our choices or the circumstances handed to us make these decisions. What if you can choose freely? No judgement. What if you could succeed at whatever you choose? What would you choose?
We are all so different and created to be great in what ever God created in us.
Here’s my story of how God knows my heart down to the little mundane:
Two weeks ago we were riding in the jeep near our house. There is tons of Basalt rock, basalt comes from a volcano. We know there was a volcano in Flagstaff. I said to Dennis, “There has to be an obsidian flow. Oh I would love to see an obsidian flow.”
Then we went to Oregon;
We went out for dinner the first night and the waiter said, “What are you going to do all weekend?”
Me, “Nothing much, lie around, go for walks, relax.”
Waiter, “There is an obsidian flow up by the lakes you flew over to get here.”
Dennis, “Well, now we will be renting a car and heading there.”

We drove up the mountain, near lakes. And there it was!

This is not black and white photos, this is obsidian (a glass formed when lava cools quickly) and pumice (also from the volcano but gets air bubbles) handily we use it to get the roughness off our heals.

Look at this shiny rock! This is obsidian.

This is the swirl of hot lava!
I am enamored by God. Oh what a love He has for us.
Smitten~ Susie