I’m so thankful for the strong women in my life. My grandma (Nanny), My mom, my aunts Connie and Mary all influenced my life immensely. They were powerhouses, they overcame trials that would knock some out of the race. My Nanny widowed at 34 years old with four children during the depression. My mom left alone with eight children, five left at home when her husband threw in the towel. My aunt Connie, mother of five when her sixth was born with a severe chromosomal abnormality. My aunt Mary, born to a mother who abandoned her and her five siblings. All of these “leading women” believed. They believed in God’s faithfulness.
I was one of the fortunate ones, I listened and believed that Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection was all to save my life. While in Greece I was able to see the cities, the actual archeological remains of the streets where Paul walked and proclaimed Jesus, the Christ. All so the Jews and Greeks could believe too.
I was struck by the women. Yes, the women. The Holy Spirit inspired Luke to write the book of Acts. God didn’t want us to miss that women were believing in Jesus and working alongside Paul to spread the gospel.
While walking down the street in a very modern, metropolitan Thessaloniki if you weren’t with a guide you might miss the archeological dig going on in the middle of the city. There it is, the spot they dragged Jason out into the city (Acts 17:6) because he harbored Paul. The Jewish men drove Paul out.

Leading Women
Philippi: You already read about Lydia. ~Acts 16:14-15
Thessaloniki: “leading women believed.” Acts 17:4 ~ Do you think this is why in verse 5 we read the Jews were not persuaded and became jealous?
Berea: “They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.” ~Acts 17:12
Athens: the philosophers were unmoved. When Paul was ready to leave, some of the believers left with him, “including a woman named Damaris.” ~Acts 17:34
Corinth: Paul met Aquilla and Priscilla. They were tent makers like Paul. They believed and followed Paul to Ephesus. “Priscilla and Aquilla were with him.” ~Acts 18:18
Let's Celebrate!
Come on! This is exciting. Let’s not miss this, just like Jesus’s ministry, women were important to Paul’s calling to go into all the world and spread the good news of Jesus Christ!
What is your calling? If you delight in something, go for it.
Leading women believed. Leading women dropped everything to follow their passion. Leading women faced adversity. Leading women kept going. Leading women were respected.
The leading women in my life never gave up. What is your passion? What is holding you back? Where are you leading? I would love to hear.